Sunday, January 31, 2010

Leo & juvenile arthritis

Okay, you've met the two older siblings, Karen and Jaime. Today it's time for you to meet Leonardo Andrés Quiroz, best known as Leo. From the two previous posts, you know that his mom lives in Spain and that he is in grandma's care. Leo's dad lives in Italy and as far as I know they get to talk about once a month by phone. I'm not sure when he last saw his father. By the way, this picture was taken while we were waiting for Jaime's graduation to start!

I have known Leo for about eight years and have been able to help with his studies the last few years. However, I had a huge surprise when I visited them in September and found Leo unable to get out of bed and with his knees extremely swollen. His grandmother told me that this happens every now and then and that it had been happening for the last seven years. I never knew! Leo never said anything. I was shocked.

Grandma took him to see doctors in Guayaquil and Esmeraldas on several occasions to find out what was happening to his body. The doctors said it was an infection and prescribed antibiotics. I asked as many questions about the symptoms he's experienced and then consulted doctors at HCJB's Vozandes Hospital in Quito. He came up a couple of weeks later for a complete check-up and blood work. It was confirmed that he has juvenile arthritis. We were both in shock now!

I thank God for providing a treatment plan that is working well. Please pray that Leo's body would continue to respond to the medicines and the guidelines that his doctor has given him. Pray too that Leo would use this physical challenge as an open door to share with his classmates and others. Thank you!

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